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The Etiquette and Protocol programs, offered by The Protocol Academy of Georgia, teach essential skills that last a lifetime. Our firm’s programs take unprepared, self-conscious individuals lacking in social know-how and transforms them into prepared, self-confident and socially-adept persons who are respectful of others. Our future success as a society depends on these practical yet necessary social skills.

Featured Seminar Topics Include:

· “Manners Matter”
· “Successful Style: Perfecting Your Personal Image”
· “Bronze Not Brutes – the Essentials of Sportsmanship and Civility”
· “Dining Etiquette 101”
· “Business Protocol – Domestic & International”

A sampling of the topics in the Etiquette and Protocol programs you will be trained in include but are not limited to:

CORPORATE IMAGE SEMINAR – Are you sending the right message?:
The Protocol Academy of Georgia helps employees and professionals understand the messages they send to customers, management, and peers through their appearance, wardrobe and behavior. We help staff at all levels understand how the bottom line of a company is impacted when employees are appropriately or inappropriately dressed.

“You’ve Got Manners”
An interactive workshop to teach children table manners. Upon completion the child will be eligible to participate in further training through a real dining experience.

“Style and Grace”
A workshop or seminar for young adolescent girls, including discussions on values, social skills and communication. This workshop will be interactive and will incorporate style, grace, etiquette, color analysis, skincare and makeup.

NO FUNNY FAXES PLEASE – (Professional Etiquette):
In today’s multicultural and global business environment, knowing a lot about your area of expertise is not enough. The ability to get along with others, demonstrate good manners, and make others feel comfortable is becoming increasingly important to career success. Without these skills, you not only risk losing customers but also the support of colleagues and associates. From appropriate dress, introductions and gender issues, to mobile phones and email etiquette, this seminars covers information to avoid social blunders and ensure participants know how to handle themselves properly in any business situation.

WINNING IN A COMPETITIVE WORLD … “Out Class the Competition”:
Competition keeps us all on our toes and has a positive effect on the marketplace; it constantly compares one product to another in price, quality, and value. Our products and services must therefore always be evolving if we are to stay ahead of our competitors. However, those who have the job of marketing or selling the products must know how to quickly and effectively market themselves first, in order to gain the trust and attention of those to whom they are trying to make a sale. This seminar is designed to instruct participants how to: Excel in the art of self-promotion, how to have power and confidence when dealing with people, and what are the communication keys that inspire others to listen, believe and take action.

PERSONAL POWER — How To Get It, Use It and Gift It To Others:
Personal Power is the ability to hold your own in any situation and to feel free to express yourself and your ideas. To be able get through to people and to break down any emotional and mental barriers that block communication without impeding the rights of others. Personal Power— How To Get It, Use It and Gift It to Others, is a seminar created to empower participants with an increased level of self-confidence, communication and assertiveness skills. This seminar is designed to equip attendees with the skills to take affirmative action in any situation.